Lewis and Clark used five canoes on their discovery across the country. They made them by chopping trees and burning out some of the tree to make the canoe. Thanks to the Nez Perce they continued the discovery.
The Nez Perce the horses for almost everything,
like wars or to collect food.
They also were the of the top
horse breeders.
When she was young she was captured by the Blackfoot. Then Canadians saved her. Later she wondered her way back to the village. She was the one who saved the Corps from death because the white man once helped her.
Camus plant is what they ate. They made bread out of it and feed it to Lewis and Clark.
The Nez Perce lived in tepees like the one you see to the right.
This is what a Nez Perce dress looked like. This one is made out of deer hide and beads.
They believed in the God Hanya and that all nature was related to one another. To practice their belief young Nez Perce boys would fast and pray in the mountains.
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