Fort Clatsop was located at the northwest tip of Oregon. It was
on the southern side of the Columbia River.
on the southern side of the Columbia River.

The Clatsop Indians informed the Corps that a whale
had washed up on shore. Clark took a group of men to get
blubber and oil.
Pretty much all the Corps of Discovery ate was elk.
They ate elk fresh, elk with spoiled
fish, and elk tongue. They ate elk on Christmas and New Years.
They ate elk fresh, elk with spoiled
fish, and elk tongue. They ate elk on Christmas and New Years.

Lewis was in a deep depression during the winter. The Indians stole Lewis's
dog and he was ready to burn down the village. Lewis also stole one of the
Indian canoes which was very much unlike him.

Weather was horrible; it rained everyday. There were trees falling, whirlwinds,
lightening, hail, and thunder.

The Clatsop Indians inhabited the northwest tip of what now is Oregon.
The tribe had about 400 people living on the southern side of
the Columbia River. They caught fish, hunted elk, and made fur.
They had few enemies and fought few wars.
The Clatsop and the Chinook were the only Indian tribes encountered by
the Corps of Discovery that made houses out of wooden planks.

Lewis's sketch of how the Clatsop flattened child's heads using two boards.
The Clatsop thought of it as beauty.

Fort Clatsop was were the Corps of Discovery stayed during the winter with the Clatsop.
This is a replica of the real fort; unfortunately the original
fell apart.

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